Abune Gebre Menfes Qidus is called the “Star of the Desert”
· Born on January 7/Tahisas 29 – his date of birth and conception coincide with the day of Our Lord's birth
· He lived 300 years in desert of Egypt
· He went from Egypt to Ethiopia by the order of God
· He stayed at Lake Ziquala-ዝቋላ for 100 years praying for Ethiopia and there received a covenant from God
· He brought dead lions back to life
· He met King Lalibela and promised him that he would live in the Mountains of Ziquala and not leave Ethiopia
· He lived for 562 years on earth and departed from this world in the Mountains of Ziquala on Megabit 5/March 14, his body rests in Medre Kebed - ምድረ ከብድ.
May Medhanealem Grant us to See The Light of His Resurrection in Peace Amen!